Week Nine, Term Two Homework

Kia Ora Whanau,

In preparation for Student-Led Conferences next week, please discuss with your child some goals you have around education for your child.

I strongly believe that having a good school/home relationship is vital for the success of all children. When they see the importance of education to their family, it often makes them more aware of the need to 'step up', discuss learning, and be the best they can be. 

Please have a talk with your child about some goals in their learning and ways forward to achieve these goals. Please be specific and realistic with goals. Talk with your child - they often have very clear ideas about what is important to them with their learning and development.

In class students will be creating their own specific goals in mathematics, reading, and writing. Some of the goals you might want to set as a family might be around attitude towards learning, being open-minded for learning and trying new tasks - it doesn't necessarily be subject specific. 

Thank you in advance for taking the time to work through this with your child and I look forward to seeing you all at conferences next Monday and Tuesday.

Mrs Kale 


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